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Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) Faculty of Theology organized a conference on "The Reflections of the Palestinian Issue in Turkey and the World". The conference, given by Dr. Mücahit Gültekin, a faculty member from the Faculty of Education at AKU, was attended by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Güler, the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, academic and administrative staff, and students. After the recitation of the Quran, Gültekin started his speech by stating that it is difficult to talk about the Palestinian issue and that he follows the events with both Muslim and humanitarian sensitivity. He said, "We have no nights or days left. Our eyes are constantly on Palestine, on Gaza, on Al-Aqsa Mosque. We are trying to follow what is happening carefully." Gültekin drew attention to two key concepts in his speech, referring to various previous studies he had conducted. He stated that one of these key concepts is 'national power' and the other is 'interest'. Gültekin said, "There is an important concept at the center of international relations. This concept is 'power'. When asked what power is, one should look at factors such as the number of soldiers, tanks, and missiles. In addition to these, to understand power, one should look at economic power and propaganda power. It is crucial to know who has control over cultural and media tools." Gültekin also explained that the concept of interest is dependent on power, emphasizing that the ability to possess and operate these power tools is crucial. The conference given by Dr. Mücahit Gültekin ended after the question and answer session. #AfyonKocatepeÜniversitesi #AKÜ #İlahiyatFakültesi #FilistinMeselesi #Türkiye #Dünya #Konferans #Gazze #Mescid-iAksa #ulusalgüç #çıkar #uluslararasıilişkiler #güç #ekonomikgüç #propaganda #kültürelaraçlar #medya